Category Archives: Poems

Of Beauty and of Death: Poetry

O’ beauty and of death, when do the drumbeats rest for those blessed? When do the drumbeats rest for those who transgressed? When do the drumbeats rest for the obsessed? O’ beauty and of death, the sky is thy paper and the sea is thy ink. Remember what beauty is, and the moon shall shed […]

Deep Below the Rich Earth: Poetry

Deep below the rich earth lays a reddish-brown bird. Every now and then, I hear the reddish-brown bird sing at night; songs of solitude and beauty resonate in the cadence of passing time.  I try to ignore the songs, but they take root in my memory like words to a contract, as unspoken bonds of […]

Elegy: Children of the Sun

In the night sky, the stars form patterns of mythical shapes, and twisting outlines, like a jeweled crown of thorns, with points of Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Sirius, and Venus, that shine beyond the horn of the imagination.  The stars and constellations move across the darkness of the night, the starry crown twists and turns, forming […]

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